Ron Fugle | Fire and Adjust Founder | High Speed Low Drag Podcast

Ron FugleRon Fugle is the founder of Fire and Adjust, a veteran focused podcast.  He is an army veteran and served as an army tanker.  From the military, he transitioned to create a business that shows his passion for helping other veterans and other people.

HSLD: Besides the little background that we’ve given about you, could you tell us a little more about yourself?

Ron:  Fire and Adjust is about my journey in life. It is about what happened and what didn’t happen to me.  It is about how long it took me to realize what I wanted to do.

I spent 13-14 years trying to set my wheels but never really took off.  I was planning projects that I never got to realize.

But now that I know what I want to do, I just want to share it with people.  I want to tell my story so it can help others.  I want to save people some time by sharing what I have gone through and how I got to where I am now.  I like to tell people what was holding me back so they can learn from my experience.

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HSLD: Let’s start with your success quote. What is it?

The War of ArtRon:  I’d like to quote Steven Pressfield.  He is the author of the book – The War of Art.  And he said:

Are you paralyzed with fear?  That is a good sign.

Fear is good.  Like self doubt, fear is an indicator.  Fear tells us what we have to do.  The more scared we are of the work we are called in, the more sure we are that that’s what we have to do.

HSLD: Let’s focus on your military experience. Tell us a story of your most pivotal moment in the US army and share with us some of the lessons you learned.

Ron:  I only had a short stunt in the military.  I did not make it in my full 4 years as I got injured.   I ended up being medically discharged as I screwed my shoulders up during basic training.  Maybe that’s my pivotal moment.  I got injured in basic training and they gave me options to be put on hold over company or rest for a week and then take a final PT test.  If I were to be put on hold, I would just be sitting there until I am okay and go back to basic training again.

As an enlisted tanker, I wanted to just take a break and then go out there.  I wanted to go back and go to my station so I couldn’t wait to finish basic training.

It was a pivotal moment and it was something that followed me throughout my career.  It was part of Fire and Adjust and how it came to be.

It was an interesting experience.



HSLD: What was the biggest lesson that you learned from that moment in your life? 

Ron:  There is nothing you can’t do.

Even if you go through pain, be it physically or emotionally, it is generally worth it.  You talk yourself through it and you get up, move on, and drive on.

When you look back at it, that little bit of uncomfort that you felt, you’re gonna laugh at it and say, “Man, I’m so glad that I did it”.

To me it’s not a natural thing but you have to get through it.

HSLD: Let’s focus on your transition out and the failures, challenges and lessons you got from it.

Ron:  I did not prepare very well for my transition period.  I wish that I did.  That’s one of the things that I wish I could change.

I did not take the classes that were offered.  It’s not that it was no good, I still have that purple folder that they gave.

There were opportunities and I did not take advantage of them.  So when it was time for me to transition, it was difficult for me.  It was difficult for me to find a job, and dealing with the same parties, and seeing people doing the same things.

It was really opened my eyes on why I joined the military.  I had to get out of that kind of place.

13271784624_b182e55883_zHSLD:  What do you want to say to those who are transitioning right now?

Ron:  Your skills do translate.  They translate in ways that you might not be able to comprehend right now because of what you’ve been through.  But the skills that you have, the army core values, they make a big difference.

Look back at those a lot and ask if you are operating within those.  It makes a big difference in business.  It makes a big difference in your career, in school, and everything in your life.

HSLD: What was that first civilian step that you took?

Ron:  I grew up in the automotive background.  I always had that skills set to fall back on.

I fell back into the automotive business.  I took a position as a mechanic and interviewed with them with the understanding that after a few months, I would move up into managerial position.  And so that what happened.

I realized that showing up on time, when something needs to be done, you just do it, no questions asked; once you have that skills set, you excel very quickly.

I ended up being the youngest store manager in the company.

Life happens.  Things change.

HSLD: Can you share with us an AHA moment that you have had that has really spurred you on?

Ron:  It’s not necessarily a happy story but it was when my father passed away.  It was a huge moment for me because he was probably one of the only men that I ever look up  to.

When that happened it was in the middle of the night, he had a heart attack and he was 53 years old.  He was trying to live the American dream with our family business but it was sad that he fell short and never got to enjoy his dream.

I did not want that to happen to me.

So I told myself that I can make money, I can be successful, I can do these things but not be happy.  Or I can go out and do something that really truly makes me happy.

HSLD: What is one thing that has you most fired up about your business today?

Ron:  Fire and Adjust is taking off.  It is not only in the online world but also into the actual offline world now.  Meeting people face to face and networking.

Ron’s Lighting Round Answers 

  • What is the most difficult adjustment you had to make to the civilian world? Management.  I had to change some things to get people to do things.
  • What is the best business advice that you can pass along to people that are making their transition now? Work on your network. Meet people around you.  The ability to network before is not as strong as now.
  • What is one of your habits that you believe contribute to your success? I can’t give up.  I have a drive.  I push forward.  It might be painful for a while but you have to go through it.
  • What is the biggest generalization that you had to overcome in the civilian world? People think if you’re a military man or a veteran, you are a dumb grunt.  I had a hard time getting passed that stereotype.
  • If you can recommend one book what would it be? The War of Art.  Steven Pressfield.
  • What’s the best way that we can find you? And one last parting piece of guidance. Visit Fire and Adjust‘s website or go to this link