Military Tribes – Connecting Veterans | High Speed Low Drag Podcast Content

veteransTom: Hey, High Speed Nation. Tom Morkes is here, and I am so excited you’re joining us on the first episode of High Speed Low Drag Podcast. We want to welcome you to another episode. Antonio, how is it going?

Antonio: It’s cool and great, Tom. I think, today, it’s funny, we just shot a podcast a little bit earlier and we went off on a tangent for a while about tribes with a gentleman that you had the privilege to spend some time with, Seth Godin. And it’s just something that we felt this deserves its own little episode. So we’re going to be talking about tribes today.

Tom: Yeah. I’m glad you brought that up. So as we were discussing the last time we recorded just before this and in the concept of a tribe, I think the concept is so powerful especially when it relates to the veteran tribe and to the military tribe because we are all part of a tribe. We’re part of that veteran tribe. And I really think it’s worth digging into today and to explore the topic at least a little bit. It doesn’t have to be too long but to talk about it and explain why it’s so important and why it’s so powerful that we all share this tribe.

Antonio: Because there’s a few definitions out there, guys. And some of you may have never heard this in the business sense, in marketing sense and so you’re thinking of okay, a tribe, are you talking about Native American Indians? And that is a definition if you go to tribe and you look up Wikipedia. It’s viewed historically or developed mentally as a social group existing before the development or outside of States.

However, the tribe that we’re using is by a guy named Seth Godin. He popularized this term. He wrote a book, I believe, called Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. And he describes a tribe as this: “A tribe is a group of people, connected to one another, connected to a leader and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of a one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe — a shared interest and a way to communicate.”

And if you think about that, in many ways — So, I’m off the quote, guys. And now we’re going to talk about why High Speed Low Drag and what we’re doing here is really a movement. It is a tribe. And why the military community is, in my opinion, a tribe that many of us have under utilized and our goal is to better bring this together to allow us to work a better network, to better help each other as we aim towards that shared interest.

And so High Speed Low Drag, High Speed Elite are mastermind group. These are ways that we can communicate with each other and share. A few of us are taking a leadership position not because we are smarter or were better than anyone. We just simply happen to be a little bit farther down the path. We’re those guys that we’ve been out here a little bit longer or we’ve walked down a path that we simply know the terrain. We know where the waters at.

If you’re thinking about it, let’s go back to — I keep thinking the Indian example. And for some reason — what is it? Dances With Wolves is coming to my mindset. If you think about South Dakota or you think about that area of — We were just there last summer with my family. I mean that’s pretty barren and pretty open and you can get out there and you could die of exposure. If you don’t know where waters at, if you don’t know where the hunting grounds are at, if you don’t know where your resources are at, you could simply wander for a while.

And if you don’t have the resources, you could expire pretty quickly. And, I think, that’s the power of a tribe is that you don’t have to go out there and make those painful mistakes. You’ll make mistakes. That will happen. But you can make them a little bit farther down or they will be less costly when you do make them.

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Tom: Yeah. And taking that same analogy is that there’s actually a ton of validity to it. It’s that idea that you do not have to learn from personal painful experiences but that the tribe itself — And again, if you take this analogy, you go back thousands of years when people are hunting and gathering and actually like gathering.

Think about that, like all the poisonous stuff that’s out there. The nature is that if everybody learned, there’d probably be no human race. But the ability to connect and to work together and then maybe only one has person had to learn the hard way and then the rest of us get to learn from the person’s experience, and that’s what classically I believe might have even been Aristotle. It’s what’s wisdom is. It’s learning from other people’s mistakes.

So I’m not saying that we focus on the mistake aspect, but the tribal aspect of learning from other people that have gone before you. I think that’s what makes a tribe so powerful. And something like ours, with High Speed Elite and High Speed Nation here, I think there’s a lot of power in that and that is something that is underutilized. It’s really incredible to me. So, Antonio, what are your thoughts on that?

Frederick-Smith-FEDEX-470x230Antonio: I’m just thinking of how great it would be if — I know when I got out of the Marine Corps at the end of 2003 how I remember reading some business books and being inspired by guys like Fred Smith. Fred Smith started FedEx. He was a former Marine. But he has also had gone to an Ivy league school. And this was a guy that now has created a company that we all know of, FedEx. I mean he basically pioneered the idea that you could get something delivered overnight.

An amazing concept if you really go back a bit in time, if you think about how we are — It’s so easy. So here’s a guy that was able to change the world but yet we don’t have access to him. I mean, when it comes down to it, Fred Smith, I’ve never met him and I don’t think I’m going to be able to meet the guy. I just know he’s incredibly busy. He has so much opportunity coming his way. He may be involved with the Marine Corps here or there or the military. But one of the key things with the tribe is that you can actually meet, interact with the leaders.

And that’s something that we’re also really working hard because a tribe, in a sense to me, a religion — Probably not the best example. But I’m thinking of like where you’re, in a sense, you’re worshipping an icon but it’s not really communicating back with you. That is not what we’re talking about, what we’re looking for. What we’re talking about is something where there is a followable but very real and human being there who is taking that leadership position and at some point may even relinquish it or bring in others to a council to get some help and is not about making mistakes. But, in a sense, it’s simply trying to use their experience to lead. Did that make any sense?

Tom: It did and I think that the important part there is the concept that there are, I guess there’s two parts. One, that everything needs a leader. Everything needs an instigator. And it doesn’t have to be — When I think a leader, I don’t think dictator. I think, yeah, somebody who’s like a collaborator or somebody who connects people and that somebody who keeps you facing maybe in direction.

And, obviously, that definition alone gives an infinite number of variables on how to execute that. But the one point is that there ought to be a leader. There needs to be a leader for something like this to get off the ground. So we are all part of a larger tribe as veterans. The resources that are out there right now, what really connects us besides the service that we have done? If that’s the more elusive point, so we are part of a tribe by the nature of who we are and what we’ve done. But the question is who’s kind of catalyzing that connection between us?

And to be honest to you, Antonio, I haven’t seen it. I know there are some podcasts out there for veterans and there’s different attempts that I’ve seen and some of them may actually be pretty useful. But I don’t see that anybody really trying to leverage the concept. Hey, let’s connect like-minded veterans that had been there, done that, that had succeeded in the civilian world, that have started multimillion dollar businesses and let’s connect them with other, again, high speed, for lack of a better term — I think it’s a great term for this — high speed veterans who want to do the same thing but want to lean into that group of people, group of veterans that’s already been there, done that, that can get that insider connection that, man.

I’d be honest, dude, people would kill for that. Like you have to really be born into most situations like that to have those kinds of connections. But by the nature of what we’ve all done and by the nature of this tribe that we are building here in High Speed Elite and with High Speed Nation is that we’ll have access to one another and it really truly is an unfair advantage in the civilian workspace, in my opinion.

tribes, indianAntonio: Yeah. And there’s going to be barriers. I think it’s important, if you think about — And again, I keep using the Native American example but I think it’s such a great one. I mean, for you to become a hunter or a warrior or a true member of that tribe, there was an initiation. There was, in a sense, a barrier and just not anybody. If you’ve ever seen like Little Big Man or something. I’m just thinking of some of these fun movies.

But you had to get past a certain point and that’s why we are going to have certain barriers. And it’s not that one of them is going to be, there’s going to be certain charges for being part of High Speed Elite. Although High Speed Low Drag is going to be completely free, so if that is that big of a barrier for you, hey, plenty of free information there. But I know one thing that we do is that with new media expo out in Vegas — And I got to get the exact day for that, but it was January of last year.

I remember they have a military track which veterans can attend for free and you simply have to find a way to get out to Vegas which shouldn’t be too hard for many of you guys. Vegas is just a great town for a weekend trip. But find a way to get there. I don’t care if you got to hitchhike. And literally, you showing and it’s one of those things that hey, we’ve got a full day of live training and interaction events that there’s going to be some really amazing vets there.

And I know John has been there. I’m going to probably speak there again. Tom, you’re going to be there. It’s one of those things that why wouldn’t you find a way to make it happen and to get your butt out there and in order to be able to interact with people that are just killing it in the civilian world and want to share that knowledge with you.

Tom: Yeah. I think this might be useful. Talk a little bit about what makes High Speed Elite unique because you said it was going to e slightly exclusive which I think is really an important point because — I’m going to take it real quick and then you can tell me what your thoughts are on this. So people understand what we’re talking about here is with High Speed Elite, it’s going to be an exclusive mastermind and community, which is to say that it’s going to be small because we can only manage a small number of people until maybe we get the resources going forward to grow it.

But at first, it’s going to be exclusive in that respect. It’s going to be small. We’re going to be looking at really building this tight-knit relationship between the founders here, John, Antonio, myself and everybody that we get on board, the early founders, the early adaptors. And then, of course, the goal with it is to help you succeed in the civilian world, kind of give you that unfair advantage in the civilian marketplace, whether that’s building your own business or getting your dream job. And what’s really cool too, I don’t know if you’ve mentioned this explicitly, Antonio, but the new media expo that High Speed Elite is actually going to be organizing that, isn’t it? The military track, High Speed Low Drag.

Antonio: Yeah. And that’s a perfect example of the power of — And what makes it so easy for John and I to be able to organize that is that Rick has given us — And Rick is one of the — He’s the guy that runs in stuff and definitely a big supporter of veterans. But we bring in other veterans. We’ve built up this network which we want to share with people. Now so many guys were going, “Okay. Why don’t you just put out all the information? Why don’t you just dedicate 24 hours a day to serving us?”

Well, let’s really think about that question. Like anyone out there, we’ve got a limited amount of time and I got a little sign above here in my office and they always ask me, “Is the time I’m spending on this project worth the time I could be spending with my family?” Because that’s the problem with people that are incredibly busy and have a lot of going on. I have Bilingual Kids Rock, which is a business I run with my wife. I have Real Men Real Style which is my main company. I have a costumed clothier. I call it Tailored Suits. I’ve got another business that I’m working on with video marketing.

So it’s one of those things that people that are kicking butt are usually incredibly busy and to be able to carve out a time, we want people that are going to, in a sense — I hate this. It sounds bad but, I mean, that basically are worth the time because we’ve all run into people out there who don’t value their time or aren’t necessarily at a point. If you actually try to contact me in my contact form at Real Men Real Style, I think my contact form is a great example of putting up barriers so that is this really an issue for you? And what I do is if you were going to ask me a question, you have to solemnly swear that you searched Google for ten minutes for the answer. I got a couple of things I ask people as well and you could check out the form.

Tom: I love that. It’s so good.

Antonio: Yeah. It’s like, “Hey, like have you even put in any effort?” And if you did search Google for ten minutes, it’s probably not there and I’ll probably create a video of it. But I found that making that one little check box and there’s just a few others which I think I had fun with people and I kind of reset their mind, their mindset right there. But by doing that, it really forces someone to say “Oh. Well, I guess I should go and do the work myself.”

I think at High Speed Elite, what you’re going to find is we want go-getters. We don’t want people that, in a sense, are at the point or expect things to be handed to them on a silver plate. One of the reasons we founded is transition assistance, to be honest. And I’ve said this before, I don’t really like the word. When I joined the Marine Corps, I joined because I wanted to be challenged. We want those type of people and that type of personality that goes in seeking challenge, is seeking to go out there and kick butt and change the world and not the kind of persons that, in a sense, expects that we’re just going to get them.

Because it’s going to be hard work, by the way. I mean, I want to compare it to boot camp. I mean, I want this to be something that you’re like, “Wow!” Because you know better than anyone, you, the veteran listening, you know that the things that you value in life — Why was your service so — Why is it so sacred to you? Because you had to work your butt off to get what you earn. Why is the corporal so proud to get the blood stripe? Because he worked his butt off to get it.

In fact, the harder you work, the more you value it. And O3, as we know the scores to get you to Corporal is much harder. Let’s just say then if you’re an O1. I know. I was an O1. It’s easier to get, to move up in the Marine Corps if you are intelligence or one of the special ones. But if you’re an Infantry, it’s incredibly hard simply because they just don’ move up. There’s not as many positions to move people up. And we’re a young service. So we kind of turn through people. But, I don’t know, what do you think, Tom?

High Speed EliteTom: Well, I’m glad that you brought that up. I want to touch on that, too. As we were building this program and connecting — One of the things I want to do is connect with veterans and start having that conversation to figure out what they actually needed and what they wanted and then, finally, of course, what would be the most useful for them? And so, initially, when I have these conversations, I pitch the idea of what about a network mastermind, a community that also focuses on training and giving veterans the tools and resources to succeed?

And the initial thought — Actually, I think when I said community or network, that everybody responded — Or not everybody. But quite a number responded, “Well, isn’t there already a program like that or already a software out there called RallyPoint?” So for those who are familiar RallyPoint, essentially, it’s Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s more like LinkedIn for military active duty or veterans. And here’s the thing, like I think this is an important differentiation. There’s no exclusivity to RallyPoint.

Because if you’re a veteran, you can get on there. But then what is value of being on that platform? You might be able to meet other veterans, that’s great. But again, like I mentioned before, while we’re all part of that greater tribe, there’s nothing to catalyze that relationship or to drive it. So it’s missing like that secret sauce that small groups and clubs and stuff like that have and allow them to grow and build and to make it a useful endeavor. And then the exclusivity means that not every veteran can enter. It’s not going to be free. It’s not going to be something that anybody can just walk and test out and then leave.

We are looking for commitment and we’re looking for people that are driven and that want to be part of something that will last for the rest of your life. Because I think everybody that we’re trying to get on board here is going to be somebody that will build that type of tight-knit relationship with. And we’re building it off on the basis of being a veteran but it’s much more than that. I think it’s much greater than that. I think that’s why it’s important that it has that exclusivity because I think a lot of veterans just see something like RallyPoint. They’re like, “Why would I use that?” And I don’t have a good reason for it. But for us, I think the purpose of it is that if you want something better, if you want your unfair advantage in the civilian workplace.

Antonio: And I think that there was a key point that you talked about. It’s having the skin in the game. With RallyPoint, you can join. It’s a great service. And I think for anyone out there should go check it out and, again, you make the decision for yourself where you’re going to focus your energies. But for many of us, we need to have a bit of skin in the game to actually set up the psychological response that we’re going to do.

I mean, many of us have access to a gym but how many of us go regularly to a gym? Not everybody. But one of the great systems that you can set up for your gym is actually to hire a trainer or to pay a gym membership. Because when you do that, you have this thing in the back of your mind that it’s like, “You know, I’ve paid for that. I’ve got to use it.” I’ve got a buddy. He’s a trainer. And he finds a lot of people pay him and he has a no refund policy. If you don’t show up, guess what, I still charge you for that. It’s not my fault that you decided that you overslept or something like this.

And, in fact, that should be, I want to get you, I don’t have time for customers like that. I want people that are serious because I was there and he was waiting around. And that’s the type of sometimes systems that you got to create for yourself so that — I mean, there’s a reason why you have an alarm clock. Not everyone can just naturally wake up at 5 o’clock or at 6 o’clock. Oftentimes, when you were in, if you go back in your days of living in the squad bay, you got up at an early time.

And it was actually I thought a lot easier to get up simply because everyone else was getting up and you didn’t just hang out in your bed because it was like, “Hey, we’ve got five minutes and we got to make things happen.” Again, when you put yourself in that environment, it becomes easier because you’re surrounded by people who are helping you. It’s basically a herd mentality which can go negative but it can also go positive. And in the negative sense, we see herd mentality all the time. We just look there.

Again, we look at the general population. We see how people are trying to keep up with the Jones. We look at the food that we’re eating and how — I mean, think about it. And if you guys eat healthy, how difficult is that in the United States? Incredibly difficult. All the food being thrown at you has been processed, has things in it which will make — Let’s just say I was talking with a guy that had this, yeah, he made his own shampoo because the shampoo he was using, basically, was making mouse testicles get smaller.

So I’m not going to go down that path too much but I will say that there are things out there that we are putting into our bodies which are just making us bad. And that is not a good thing. But the point is, that system is unfortunately designed poorly. With the system we’re looking to create, it is going to be designed to make sure that you are getting pushed harder than you’ve ever probably been pushed out since you’ve been out of the military.

But it’s going to be a friendly environment in the sense of, hey, these are guys are just like you. We know you can achieve more. We know many of you guys are waking up or going or you stay up thinking at night like there’s going to be more to life than this. I know I can achieve more. I know that there is greatness within me because I saw it. I have flash points of it when I served and I want to see that again.

Tom: Yeah. And maybe now is a good time to — although maybe we should have done it at the outset — but to talk about maybe a few of the elements of High Speed Elite, like why is it valuable for somebody to come and join? And so, I’m going to touch on three major aspects that I find, that I think — I looked at it and I said this is what’s important about this and this is what, I believe, the veterans are going to find value which is based on the 100 conversations I’ve had with veterans.

13271501705_1ed8d8d7f6_zSo the three elements are network, training and accountability. So the network, we kind of touched on it, access to you, Antonio, myself, John Dumas, among others, all ready for the High Speed Low Drag Podcast. We’ve had couple dozen really amazing veteran entrepreneurs and people that are straight killing it in the civilian world come and join John for interviews. And the network we’re building through that is exceptional. So I don’t know if you have any thoughts on network and why that’s so important.

Antonio: Well, I think, it just goes back to what I was talking about with systems. We become the average of the people we surround ourselves with. I live in a town of 1,113 people. Most people in my town are farmers. I’m a closet cowboy fan in Green Bay Packer territory. I live in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, about an hour and 15 minutes from the big stadium there in Green Bay. I just find I don’t — Not great people. But I’m just not going to be hanging out and spending my weekends at the local bar here or tavern just drinking a long neck and talking about crops and what’s going on over that one farmer and his wife. That’s just not who I’m going to surround myself with.

So my other option is maybe to drive 30 minutes to Wausau, which actually isn’t that big. The other option would be driving an hour and 15 minutes to Green Bay, which is actually only 103,000 people. Not many people know that. It’s incredibly small and it’s got an NFL team. But the point is for me to find amazing people who are going to help raise me up is difficult in my area. I do it virtually. I have masterminds that I meet with amazing people.

That’s how I got to know John. That’s how I got to know a number of other very influential and people that help improve and take me up to the next level. And that’s what we’re looking to do. It doesn’t matter if you’re in New York or if you’re in Hongkong or if you’re in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

We are going to find a way. You can reach to us and you can become part of that bigger network.

Tom: Yeah. And that’s important kind of specific aspect that when I see the word network — I don’t actually like that word. I actually think community is a better word. But the network, not in terms of like networking. Because we’re actually building relationships here. So community is probably more appropriate. But network in terms of like who’s one person off from you who can you go and talk to directly.

Again, doing that in person is almost impossible for, I think, probably most of us, depending on where you live, unless you live in like Austin or you’re living in one of these kind of communities where there’s a lot of energy and creativity and entrepreneurship and kind of that which is, again, most of us don’t live in those locations. So the best option we have is digital. But you can actually build like real true strong relationships doing that.

So, I think, the network, the community that we’re building, the mastermind aspect of it, it’s just by itself worth — Literally, it’s priceless. But beyond that, we’re going to have quite a bit of training. And this is going to focus on two major tracks. One is prepping those who are transitioning out. Well, two major tracks that we’re focusing on. One is for those who want to get their dream job, to not settle for just the truck driver job or not settle for whatever recruiter firm put you into, to be the middle manager of Frito-Lay or something like that, unless you want to.

But the idea is that if there’s something that you want to get like a position you want to get with a corporation that you really want to work for or you just want to succeed in the civilian world just however, then that’s going to be what that track is for. The second track is going to be entrepreneurship. And it’s going to be building your own business, which is something I know Antonio has a lot of experience with. So as John.

I just started my own business this year. So I’m learning quite a bit. I’m kind of in the trenches right now as I’m scaling it. But that’s going to be another major focus for us. So, Antonio, what are your thoughts on that?

Antonio: When I was getting my MBA at the University of Texas, I had the unique ability to work with a first class level, basically, career recruiting and having all of these companies come to us. And we spent a lot of time, two years actually, working on improving our interviewing skills, talking about different ways. And when you’re going for a $100,000 or $200,000 job, I mean, these interviews are not just one off interviews.

Many of us, maybe the last time we interviewed when we were 18 years old or looking for a summer job or maybe 21 looking for an internship between college. A lot of us don’t have this experience and we think it’s just maybe going to be a one off interview. But oftentimes, the interviews are incredibly — I did case interviews with consulting companies that would fly me out to New York for a week and we would have literally four interviews. And one time it was with an individual, then it was with another group of people.

I would have interviews with other people that are interviewing all at the same time. I mean, it was very interesting. So we’ll talk a little bit about that and try to get you prepared for that. But, I think, the big thing that Tom was talking about is showing you and exposing you that, hey, it’s a two-way street. I mean, even though there’s more people looking for jobs now than there had been in a long time, and it’s an ultra competitive market, you should not settle for anything that is less than what you–

I’m not going to say what you deserve, but you know that you are capable of. Because I would rather see you — And a lot of guys get focused on the dollar signs. There’s a lot more to life and happiness than the money. What you want to be looking at is opportunity. Can you align yourself with that company’s mission? Is there the opportunity that you could get in there at a certain level and move up quickly based on performance? Those are the things you want to be looking for.

And also, even though I was at — When I was at Texas and they were bringing in all these companies, I’d say you’ve got to really go to where your heart’s at and realize that oftentimes they’re just looking to fill numbers and they wanted basically to be able to say that, yeah, there’s 70% of us that graduated, had jobs leaving upon graduation and 90% within two months. Those are the kind of numbers that they — That’s what they care about. They don’t care that they stick you in with a company that maybe you don’t believe in the mission about or that, literally, you would quite within a few months because you realized, wow, this is a bad culture fit.

And I remember going through that process and trying to convince myself, “Maybe I could get behind the mission of Pepsi and Frito-Lay and Salty Snacks. Even though I don’t even eat this stuff. And honestly, I think it’s stuff that is not good for the body. But maybe I can find a way.” Actually, one of the interesting companies was that Phillip Morris has a hard time recruiting because a lot of people — And this was back in 2007. I think it has even probably gotten harder for them. They didn’t want to align themselves.

But I did see some people, and these were some friends of mine, I’m not going to name names. But I saw them say, “Well, you know, these guys, they’re paying 15% more. They’re starting us off with $140,000. Maybe I should go be the marketing manager at Phillip Morris. I can kind of they’re diversifying into food and cigarettes are only a small part.” But to me, it’s like when you start having to compromise at this early of a point, I don’t know. To me, that can affect, I think, you 20, 30 years down the road when you look at you made a career out of that company and are you proud to say that you did that?

Tom: Wow, that’s such a good point. I guess, I just take it for granted that that’s kind of my perspective on life anyway right now and it kind of always has been. But the concept of will I be proud of this when I look back on it? I think that’s guided the majority of my choices. At least the good choices in my life is when I say to myself, am I going to be proud of this when I look back on it? Whether it’s West Point, the Army, with the different sports that I competed in and now with what I’m doing outside of the military. So good point. I’m glad you brought that up.

And kind of the last pillar or the last element that’s going to make High Speed Elite, I just think, so powerful is the accountability, which seems like a small thing, but the effect of accountability is kind of like that Compound Effect that Darren Hardy talks about or in The Slight Edge that Jeff also talks about. Accountability allows us to literally multiply our results because when it comes to accountability, not always that you are held accountable to execute on the training that you get, not only will you be held accountable to connect with and build masterminds with fellow High Speed Eliters.

But it’s going to be accountability to help you just to succeed in life. And that will drive you to constantly improve. So, Antonio, I know you’re big on accountability, if you’d like to add anything to that.

accountability, veteran, armyAntonio: I mean, I have an accountability partner. It’s something that running my own business, not being surrounded by people — And many of us are surrounded by people but we still kind of live alone or that people aren’t holding us up to the level of accountability that we know we’re capable of. In the Marine Corps, we’ve got the PFT and the PFT is set at a level that — There are certain requirements that you have to pass and we know it’s not always about effort.

There’s this, I think, belief in the civilian world, “Well, try your best.” Well, you know what, if you don’t throw a grenade far enough, that grenade that doesn’t care that you tried your best. That thing will you.

Tom: I like that analogy.

Antonio: Yeah. Like it doesn’t matter. And if you want to succeed the market and the way the world works, it doesn’t always matter. Like you don’t get the ribbon for trying here. We know how it really goes. There are winners and there are losers. And we know that we can help. I mean, to me, the great part is it’s something that you can keep going back at. Sometimes, it does pay to be a little bit hard headed. And we just want to make sure.

I know that if you put forth that effort and if you get a bit of guidance, that it is almost impossible. I can’t even see how you can fail if you consistently put forth the effort pointed in the right direction. However, a lot of people, they’re just not going to hold you to that level of accountability. And sometimes, it’s hard for certain people to hold me accountable because I don’t necessarily respect them. And I don’t mean that in a negative way. It just simply means I don’t know them or I don’t know their life experiences or we don’t have that kind of a relationship.

But people I respect, who I see have accomplished great things, I will listen to. And in a sense, I think have earned the right to hold me accountable. Ryan Masters, I’ll use him an example. But you can look him up on YouTube. And the guy’s got an amazing body. So when it comes to fitness, I listen to him. Now, if Ryan Masters had 200 pounds on him and did not look like what he looks like, it’s going to be a little bit harder for me to take his advice even though possibly could be great advice.

So, I think, with accountability, what you’re going to find is that, hey, we are your peers. We’ve gone through what you’re going through and we know what you’re capable of. We know when it’s time to pull back. But we also know that a lot of the time you simply just give it kick in the backside.

Tom: Yeah. And that we have walked the walk. And that, I think, that’s important when you talk about the respect aspect of it and that’s the concept of — Or the same thing that applies to Ryan when you talk about him and how to do this built so you automatically — And based on his training, that it’s just you’re going to gravitate towards that and trust it when you he gives advice on it.

So, I think, the same goes here for High Speed Elite and what we’re building here in the community we’re building around it. So, yeah, go ahead.

Antonio: Well, Tom, I was just going to say I know that we covered a lot with High Speed Elite but I want to get back to what we started this conversation on, which was talking about tribes. I talked initially about how I think in the military, we just really underutilize this. If you get nothing else out of today’s quick little conversation is that, guys, go out there and connect. And you don’t have to join our tribe we’re creating. When you maybe find that it doesn’t resonate with you, that for some reason we’re disconnected from what your needs are, I encourage you to go out there and start one. Be a leader. Go out there and form your own group. But make it happen.

Tom: Yeah, I completely agree. I mean, I think, not to just repeat everything you just said, but the concept of a tribe is like truly powerful even though that’s a term that kind of has hit or miss for me. Sometimes, I think it’s truly appropriate. Sometimes just the word, it confuses me a little bit. But, I think, the end state is that it’s something — A tribe is just a shared interest and it’s a shared way to communicate. And a tribe is made stronger when there is kind of a mission behind it and objective behind it.

So, I guess, that’s another thing to add, is that if you are going out there and looking for a tribe to connect with, again, to make yourself better and ideally to make that tribe better because it’s a shared interest that you have, understand that by joining the tribe, you can. I think I really truly believe that you can compound your results and get the way you want to go faster. That’s all I got, Antonio.

Antonio: All right. Well, definitely at some point we’re going to talk more about the big mission and idea behind the High Speed Low Drag and High Speed Elite. We’ll say that that can be its own discussion as well.

Tom: For sure.

Antonio: Yes. So, hopefully, guys, coming away from this, you’ve now got a little bit deeper understanding of what a tribe is, about the tribe that we’re trying to create here at High Speed Elite and that we’ve already gotten started. We’re getting a lot of interests. We’re already getting traffic, quite a bit of traffic at the website. So if you’re listening to this a year from now or if you’re listening to this a couple of days after it’s published, guys, we want you to be a part of our tribe.

Come reach out to us. Send us a message in the contact form. Join our email list. We’ve got a newsletter which we give you a free roadmap to transition to success, give you some great stuff to work on and, yeah, we’ll see you guys, I guess, in the next podcast.